Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pee and Puke and Laundry....oh my!

What can I say?
s has been having a spell of vomiting again. She has had a lot of congestion lately and her sensitive stomach isn't taking it too well. While I was out shopping tonight she threw up 3 times for M...and the babysitter last night....and for me the night before.....
Also, d has been having accidents almost every night between 3am and 5am. Poor guy gets so upset.
My 12+ loads of laundry per week has suddenly grown times.

Oh, and the temperature outside is 4 degrees with a windchill of 20 below zero...crazy cold....bbbbrrrrrrr...........

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! Hang in there! I hope things start looking up!
