Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 2.....folding towels OR blowing noses??

I walked into the kitchen and thought 'how cute, they are folding the towels for me' and then I realized they were just blowing their noses on each towel...figures that they would decide to use the clean towels....oh well...I'm sure I really, really wanted to do more laundry.....


  1. It could be worse. My son has started wiping his nose on the carpet! ACK!

  2. lol - that is TOO funny! I'm sure you don't think so right now...

  3. yum. my little devil kids actually have the nerve to wipe snot on my leg, arm, or whatever else has black clothing on it so that the snot streak shows up best. love the blog btw...i am addicted.

  4. It actually was pretty funny....just another good reason to go buy those nice, new Williams Sonoma kitchen towels..hehe...
