Friday, January 30, 2009

day 30....more snow

M took d outside to play in the snow. We didn't manage to get the table & chairs off the deck before the snow hit.
I'm hoping it holds the weight of all that snow and ice.
We had almost a foot of snow on the deck.
.....and yet another snow, NO SCHOOL!
I'm beginning to think there is some evil conspiracy going on....trying to drive us parents crazy with bored kids stuck at home.
Now, they are calling for another possible 'significant weather event' on Monday.
Here's a solution...for every cancelled day of school, we get a stiff drink compliments of said school district....if your with me raise your hand......woohoo....I can dream can't I????


  1. I like the drink idea...I have a different spin though...for everyday you don't write an entry, you owe each of your loyal readers a drink. I hear there is a good place to get wine and beer in Cliftion...since you are in the owe by 3 days now...
